
Portal User Registration

The HBB branch uses an online platform to administer members. Before applying for membership you will need to create a portal user. Note: entering events as a member or non-member requires a portal user account. 

Create a Portal User

If you were a member before July 1 2024, you already have an account. If you did not receive an email regarding your account contact the membership secretary

Membership Application

Although the HBB still accepts paper applications we prefer if you use our online system. Start by creating a portal user with the button above. 

If you prefer to use our paper applications the forms are linked below. 

Membership Application
Junior Membership Application

Fees and Renewal

The UGS HBB BNranch runs a 12 month rolling membership. New memberships are subject to the joining fee plus the first years membership fees as listed below. The membership year runs from February 1 to January 31 with renewals subject to receipt of the coming years membership fees. We allow a 30 day grace period for the receipt of fees after which membership expores and requires a new application. Fees can be paid via bank transfer or direct debit, by cheque or through the online portal.

Joining Fee £10
Single Membership £12
Joint Membership £17
Renewal Date 1 February

UGS Membership Rules

  • The various branches of the Utility Gundog Society maintain individual memberships, there are separate joining processes and fees for each branch. Membership to one branch does not confer membership to the other branches.
  • Members gain preference in trial draws and preferential entry fees to events for the branches of which they are a member.
  • Members from any branch can enter the 2 Day Open Trial.
  • All the registered owners of a dog must be members of the branch in order for the dog to participate in the society events.
  • Joint membership is offered by some branches to allow for registered owners to be co-members, this does not however allow both joint members to participate concurrently. For this two single memberships are required.
  • Joint membership is not offered by the Kent & East Sussex and the Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire branches.
  • Non members can enter any advertised event, with the exception of the All Aged FT and GWT Area Finals, members will get preference in any draws.
  • Before entering any society events please be sure to read the UGS Field Trial & Gundog Working Test Regulations in conjunction with the Kennel Club ‘J Regs’.
  • Spaniel events only require membership to one of the branches as the spaniel events are hosted by the parent body.
  • New members must pay the joining fee and the annual membership fee. No prorate fees are available.
  • Membership fees are due each year on 1st February. If fees remain unpaid by 28th February the membership will lapse.

For enquiries please contact the branch membership secretary.